Select your agent. Do your research on agents in the area. Have a few agents out to provide you with appraisals and value your house. Selling your home should be a fun time, your agent should make you feel comfortable and confident that they will get the job done.
Here at SA Homes & Acreage we will sit down with you and discuss the properties assets. We can then ascertain a price that reflects the properties qualities and benefits you as the client.
We are client focused, result driven.
The agent you choose does make the difference.
Setting a price. It is imperative that your property is priced according to the comparative market. Your agent will have good knowledge of the market and this will be the key to getting the property value right and aligning it with your needs.
Making a good first impression. We will have a chat with you around presentation of your home. There may be some small improvements that we can suggest in order to help achieve a higher price. Please ask our friendly agent for a copy of our ‘Preparing your home for sale’ booklet. Inside this you will find all sorts of helpful tips to assist you along the way.
Get on the front foot with your marketing campaign. Your agent will help to tailor a marketing plan suited to your needs. We offer a range of sleek and stylish marketing options that will guarantee a reaction from interested parties.